Maracatu Cachaça

Maracatu Cachaça

Client: Andreas Schneider and Catarina Longman
Design Company: Manic Design
Creative Director: Karen Huang
Designer: Lui Yiling
Country: Singapore


Maracatu Cachaça is hand crafted in small batches in a boutique distillery based on century old techniques in a copper pot. The distillery is located in the mountains of Minas Gerais state in Brazil, known to produce the best cachaça in the world.
Our design concept is based around the festival Maracatu, a folkloristic music and dance performance originating from the North-east of Brazil.

The logo is inspired by the opulent and distinctive costumes of the Maracatu rural dancers, while the sprinkling of gold dust gives the bottle a luxurious and celebratory feel.


Digital Communication services, including website design, search engine optimization, social media, and content creation for nonprofit organizations, consultants, and creative entrepreneurs.