Better late than never

Better late than never

Client: Kidney
Design Company: Dohop Workshop
Creative Director/Art Director: Ganggang Bai
Designer: Ganggang Bai
Country: China


"Excessive packaging leads to waste. So, for Kidney's 2014 album Better Late Than Never, Dohop Workshop used as little resources as possible. In the ultimate act of efficient recycling, Dohop Workshop used recycled CD (*Cracked CD)  packaging as the packaging for new CDs. The old packaging was redesigned and reprocessed, saving on paper, ink and plastic. The album has no unified cover. Instead, the many different covers featured on the recycled packaging act as tributes to the original musicians.

*Cracked CD:
There are many excessive CDs on the market because music companies in Europe and US over-estimate the sales volume. Normally these excessive CDs will be cracked or drilled and imported China as wasted plastic. In90s, this was the only way for youth to be in contact with western music in China."


Digital Communication services, including website design, search engine optimization, social media, and content creation for nonprofit organizations, consultants, and creative entrepreneurs.